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NSF Engineering Research
Visioning Alliance
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Research Intelligence
Works with the Standing Council and Research Intelligence contractor to ensure clear communication of data and information needs related to rapid response queries to help inform and define topics for visioning events.


The Research Intelligence Programmatic Working Group serves as a liaison between the Standing Council and research intelligence contractor to ensure clear communication of data and information needs related to rapid response queries and to help inform and define topics for visioning events. With priority given to fulfilling the community’s best interest through a ubiquitous awareness of broad representation, the members of the Research Intelligence Working Group will ensure all recommendations are made with an objective, unbiased approach particularly regarding their own engineering discipline, professional affiliation, or other influences such as geographic region that would introduce inappropriate favoritism into the ERVA’s outcomes.

The need to source a pipeline of ideas, from a broad range of voices including early career researchers, is paramount to informing agile and innovative visioning events and outcomes. Early work shall focus on refining the research intelligence, visioning event, and resulting report process. As the Research Intelligence Working Group’s work matures, attention will turn to producing deliverables around efficient process documentation and content reports to share with and gather intelligence from the ERVA Community.


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Director of Corporate Relations and Business Development, University of Virginia
The University of Virginia
Senior Director of Research Development
University of South Carolina
Vice President for Research and Innovation, University of Nevada, Reno
SRC Program Manager
Intel Corporation
Data Librarian
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
ERVA Co-Principal Investigator
Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering - School of Engineering
University of New Mexico
Director for Research Impact and Intelligence
Virginia Tech
Associate Director of Research Development
Arizona State University
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