This virtual visioning event will convene top researchers from various sectors to consider the topic of
Leveraging Biology to Power Engineering.
March 9–10, 2022 • 11 a .m.–5 p.m. ET
The goal of ERVA Visioning Events is to identify specific areas that are nascent or require additional exploration with the potential for the greatest return on investment. Accordingly, we seek multi-disciplinary researchers who can help ERVA identify less-explored, basic and use-inspired lines of research ripe for engineering community pursuit. Nominations received by January 24, 2022 will receive full consideration.
Nomination Evaluation Criteria
The Thematic Task Force will evaluate the merit of the candidate’s participation based on the following general criteria:
- Research alignment. Alignment of candidate’s research interests and current research agenda with the event theme/goals;
- Demonstrated expertise. Significance and uniqueness of contribution to relevant fields; and
- Persuasive case. Evidence-base for nomination, as described by the nominator.
As there are limited spots and many nominees may meet the above criteria, participant selection will also take into account ERVA’s identity as a diverse, inclusive, and engaged partnership that enables an array of voices to impact national research priorities. Such considerations include an overall participant list diverse by dimensions including but not limited to:
- research discipline;
- geographic location;
- organization sector and type;
- gender;
- race/ethnicity; and
- career stage.
Decisions regarding nominee invitations to participate will be guided by the overall objective of ensuring a successful visioning event. Following a review of nominations, ERVA will notify candidates of their participation status. This could also include further contributions during or beyond the scope of the visioning event. Those nominees not selected for this event will be considered, as appropriate, for future ERVA visioning events and other activities.