Dennis D. Truax’s academic career spans 41 years as School Director, Department Head, research center director, and professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Mississippi State University. Recently, Dr. Truax completed is term as President of the American Society of Civil Engineers having served on ASCE’s Board of Direction as a director and as Treasurer and having chaired or served on countless ASCE committees and task forces. He is a Fellow and Life Member of ASCE, Chapter Honor Member of the Mississippi State’s Chi Epsilon chapter, and a Distinguished Alumnus of the Charles E. Via, Jr. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech. He received the 2018 NCEES Distinguished Service Award and ASCE’s 2020 Friedman Professional Recognition Award. A licensed Professional Engineer and board certified nationally as an environmental engineer and a water resources engineer, Dennis has worked on projects throughout the world, including the design of over 550 water and wastewater treatments systems, hazardous and solid waste facilities, surface water quality modeling, and watershed management projects. As faculty advisor for the Mississippi State EWB student chapter, he oversaw the installation of drinking water wells in southern Zambia to bring clean, sustainable drinking water to about 10,000 people who previously had to travel hours on foot for clean water.