Emily Devereux is the senior director of research development in the college of engineering and computing at the University of South Carolina. She oversees the office of research development, including the services of strategic proposal development for large initiatives, strategic funding plans, teaming, proposal writing and competitiveness, and research management for large research programs and centers. She has over 20 years of experience in research development, including strategic research growth, strategic planning, research development, student research growth, and research administration. She was previously the executive eirector of research at Arkansas State University. where she grew research development initiatives, advancing the institution to R2 status before joining the University of South Carolina. She earned a doctorate in public administration, is the author of numerous chapters and journal articles in research development and administration, and is a member of the National NCURA Board of Directors. Devereux is the owner of RDPrac LLC, a small business specializing in research development consulting services for faculty researchers, industry, and non-profit organizations.