“ERVA works to engage a diverse set of voices to develop the technology and workforce of the future. Their open and engaged approach is critical, as we work to solve the earth’s most pressing challenges and build opportunities for sustainable growth.”
Linda Schadler is the Dean of the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Vermont. Before coming to UVM she was the Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and the Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs in the College of Engineering. Before leaving RPI she was the Russell Sage Professor of Materials Science and Engineering. Her research focuses on the mechanical, optical, and electrical behavior of nanofilled polymer composites. Schadler is a Fellow of the Materials Research Society and ASM International. She is a former member of ASM International's Board of Trustees, the National Materials Advisory Board, and Materials Research Society’s Board of Directors. She is on Cornell’s Engineering College Council, and the advisory board of the Materials Science and Engineering Department.
Because of her deep dedication to science education, Schadler served as an executive producer for the Molecularium – a new style of planetarium show, “Riding Snowflakes,” and a giant screen show, “Molecules to the Max,” that takes the audience (primarily students in K-8) on a magical musical adventure into the world of atoms and molecules with the help of oxy, hydro and hydra (www.molecularium.com). Children learn that “everything is made of atoms and molecules” and about the three states of matter “solids slow, liquids flow, gas is fast!”