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Anup Singh

Associate Director for Engineering, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

About Anup Singh

Anup Singh is the Associate Director for Engineering at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, CA.  In this role, he leads an organization of approximately 2,500 professionals with responsibility for the full breadth of the Laboratory’s engineering needs including research and development, integrated systems, and services.  The engineering directorate relies on multidisciplinary collaboration to achieve breakthroughs in areas vital to national security including nuclear deterrence, national ignition facility, and global security programs at LLNL.  Many of the leading-edge concepts and innovations in the directorate have been translated into commercial products that improve everyday life in novel and practical ways.

In addition to his management role, Anup continues to be engaged in technical leadership roles. He is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, and Director of Microfluidics at the Joint BioEnergy Institute, a DOE-funded Bioenergy Research Center. His current research interests include applying microfluidic technology for clinical diagnostics, single cell analysis, and high-throughput platforms for biofuels research.

Before joining LLNL, he served as Director of the Biological and Engineering Sciences Center at Sandia National Laboratories, managing critical capabilities in support of Sandia’s Energy & Homeland Security, Global Security, Nuclear Deterrence and Advanced Science and Technology portfolios. In 2020, he served on a special assignment coordinating Sandia’s COVID-19 R&D, serving as the Sandia’s representative on the Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Virtual Biotechnology Laboratory (NVBL) team, and leading a team to establish a COVID testing laboratory at Sandia. He won two Secretary of Energy Achievement Honor Awards for his contributions as a member of the NVBL and DOE National Laboratories’ COVID-19 Clinical Testing teams.

He joined Sandia in 1996 and worked there for over 24 years holding multiple leadership and technical positions.  As a technical staff member, he was awarded multiple projects in medical diagnostics, single cell analysis, and bioenergy research by sponsors including National Institutes of Health, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the Department of Energy, and Sandia’s Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program.

He has served on numerous review and advisory panels including National Academies’ Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology,  the Department of Defense’s Defense Science Board, the National Research Council’s Chemical Science and Technology panel, the National Institutes of Health’s Instrumentation and Systems Development Study Section, and many review panels for the National Science Foundation and DOE.

He is internationally recognized for his scientific leadership in microfluidics and has published more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, delivered more than 150 presentations at national and international conferences, and his inventions have led to more than 40 patents and patent applications.  Many of his inventions have been licensed to companies engaged in medical diagnostics and sensor technology development.  

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