Matt Eichenfield is the International Society for Optics and Photonics’ endowed chair in The University of Arizona’s College of Optical Sciences and is also a distinguished faculty joint appointee at Sandia National Labs. His research focuses on nanophotonics and nanophononics with applications in classical and quantum information processing and sensing. Prior to joining University of Arizona he was a distinguished member of the technical staff and the founder and group leader of the MicroElectroMechanical Systems‐Enabled Quantum Systems group at Sandia National Labs. Eichenfield earned his bachelors in physics from University of Nevada, Las Vegas, his masters in physics from The California Institute of Technology (Caltech), and his doctorate from Caltech, with his thesis winning the Demetriades Prize for best Caltech thesis in nanoscience. He became the first Kavli Nanoscience Prize postdoctoral fellow at Caltech before joining Sandia National Labs as a Harry S. Truman fellow.