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NSF Engineering Research
Visioning Alliance
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Advisory Board
Our Advisory Board provides high-level vision and guidance to the Executive Committee and reviews organizational and programmatic assessment twice yearly to ensure continuous improvement. The Advisory Board is made up of a diverse set of senior academic, industry, and nonprofit leaders.
"ERVA represents one of those rare opportunities where we can come together as an engineering community to influence and catalyze our joint investments to improve human condition and tackle some of the biggest challenges we face."
Henry Jerez
Senior Vice President for AI Infrastructure, Oracle
“ERVA is an opportunity to be the thought leaders for the grand challenges facing engineering and society in the 21st century.”
Darryll Pines
University of Maryland College Park
“ERVA is creating an exciting platform for the engineering research community to look into the future collectively and collaboratively, and to focus our most impactful endeavors on addressing national and global challenges.”
Grace Wang
Worcester Polytechnic University
Provost and Senior Vice President, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Tufts University
Dean of the College of Engineering and Computing, George Mason University
President and CEO
Center of Science and Industry (COSI)
Senior Vice President and Chief Research Officer, Underwriters Laboratories
Sorensen Family Dean of Engineering, Professor of Engineering, Brown University
University of Maine
Senior Vice President for AI Infrastructure, Oracle
Vice President for Research
Carnegie Mellon University
University of Maryland College Park
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of Michigan
Worcester Polytechnic University

Past Members

Cammy Abernathy

Dean, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Florida

Richard O. Buckius

Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University

Dan Reed

Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
University of Utah
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