Allison Hubel is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Technological Leadership Institute at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Hubel has studied both basic science and translational issues associated with preservation of cells and tissues. Her research focuses on the development of fit-for-purpose protocols for preservation, the development of technology to improve preservation and understanding of molecular mechanisms of damage during freezing. She has been actively involved in the commercialization of academic research as a founder of BlueCube Bio. In addition, Dr. Hubel has been a co-principal investigator for the NIH-funded REACH program, a proof-of-concept center for commercialization. Dr. Hubel is the author of, “Preservation of Cells: A Practical Manual”. She is a former deputy editor of Biopreservation and Biobanking and received the Outstanding Achievement in Biobanking Award from ISBER. She is a fellow of ASME and AIMBE and a National Blood Foundation Scholar.