Pierre Glynn (Ph.D., M.Sc., B.A.) has 32 years of water resources research and science management experience with the US Geological Survey. Pierre conducts transdisciplinary research to improve the science, management and policy of complex systems and issues, with a focus on water, hazards, and environmental issues. His current research goals include developing new ways to engage communities and stakeholders, to spur public participation in science, and to increase accountability and follow-through in science, policy, and management. Pierre is actively involved in advancing systems of systems perspectives, and the monitoring of societal impacts and uses of water and natural resources (e.g., natural capital accounting and water accounting). Pierre is the recipient of a Catalyst Leaders Fellowship from the Royal Society of New Zealand focused on studying human and group dynamics and their effects on water resources and environmental management. He is an Affiliated Scholar with ASU's Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes, and an Emeritus Scientist with the USGS Science and Decisions Center. He serves as Associate Editor for the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science (Environmental Economics and Management section); and is a Board Member of the Upper Colorado River volunteer Watershed Group.