Dr. Vipin Swarup is Distinguished Engineer for Cyber Resiliency at the MITRE Corporation. During his 32-year career at MITRE, he has brought science and technology to bear on the cybersecurity needs of the corporation and its sponsors. Currently, he leads MITRE’s moonshot project in adaptive cyber resiliency.
Previously, as Center Chief Engineer of Technology, Dr. Swarup had oversight of MITRE’s corporate innovation program addressing the needs of civilian government agencies. He led a team of senior technical leaders in developing and executing MITRE’s corporate research strategies in data analytics, critical infrastructure resiliency, health, and agile enterprises and in transitioning innovations to civilian government agencies.
From 2008-2016, as Chief Scientist for Cyber Security, Dr. Swarup created MITRE's corporate cybersecurity research strategy and led MITRE's corporate cybersecurity research portfolio with over 100 research projects in cyber analytics, cyber deception, threat-based defense, zero trust, cyber physical security, and cyber resiliency. He spawned numerous high-impact innovations, including MITRE ATT&CK, and received MITRE’s Corporate Cyber Leadership Award for exemplary leadership in creating and executing MITRE’s cybersecurity innovation strategy and for shaping, nurturing, and helping transition over 20 MITRE innovations to government sponsors with critical mission impact. He also received MITRE’s first Technology Transfer Individual Contribution Award for entrepreneurial leadership and success in transferring MITRE innovations to industry.
Dr. Swarup played a lead role on a US Department of Defense (DOD) team that developed a DOD Science and Technology (S&T) strategy for cyber conflict defense against advanced cyber threats. Based on that strategy, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering [ASD(R&E)] substantially reshaped its funding priorities in cybersecurity research. Representing DOD, Dr. Swarup made key contributions to the creation of the 2016 Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan.
An accomplished cybersecurity researcher, Dr. Swarup has led several multi-year research projects as principal investigator and has published extensively in the cybersecurity literature. He received his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, and his master’s and doctoral degrees in Computer Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.