Critical infrastructure systems must protect human safety and well-being and adapt to unexpected changes. These systems must actively resist adversaries (both known and unknown) and demonstrate resilience in the face of systemic risks. Developing context-driven criteria and pathways to advance these aspirations can have far-reaching impact on how future infrastructures are built, operated, and maintained, and in particular support the creation of a robust security ecosystem.
Anticipating and preparing for security threats, whether short-, medium-, or long-term, has escalated as a critical national and international priority. Engineering-led research and innovation in these priority areas is essential to lay the foundation for the high-impact, multidisciplinary research necessary to mitigate the economic and security threats inherent in cybercrime and secure both physical and virtual spaces.
Every focus area addressed in this report and explored during the Aug. 10-11, 2022 visioning event provided opportunities to progress toward unhackable infrastructure through proactive and comprehensive research approaches. The aim of this report is to inspire researchers and sponsors (public, private, and nonprofit) to pursue these priorities. ERVA challenges readers to disseminate this report and prioritize areas with potential for the greatest return on investment.